This from a homebound cab
Too much light
And way too many trams
Love shines bright
Amidst all this traffic
Seeking to capture a bit
Of this voluptuous city of love
Where every damn thing shines bright
It’s like a bloody conspiracy
To hide the blank numb pain.
This city is a big black gutter
That shocks us into silence and aversion
And a breeze that smells of dried up skin and puke
And the cab’s moving, roaring,
Fast forward.
Wish life was like this.
Carnival carnival it shakes
With lack of real causes to celebrate
This mourning is for the lack of time
Green. Red white and yellow
Glasses, trees, leaves and lots of skin
Smooth shoulderblades for desire, no boobs in public
Hypocrites and stale beings
All falling short on the imagination front.
It’s all on me. And the shortcuts that make us smile
And happy beds for happy penguins
And all of them are happy
For absurd reasons
That bother me.
Because what’s killing me is exactly what’s making them live.
Love.... wait i need a drag....
so love
is shit.
Tedious city
Crabs and sharks
And infrastructure under roaring indications of my indictment
I feel so fucking sexless tonight.
In the heart of springs in the spring of hearts
Flowers boom at the sun
It’s a war of the heart and intellect everywhere
Psychology be damned, morality be a whore
I exist tonight.
Angry gods ready to bring the skies down now
I say, it’s for the birds with fiery wings
Four worshippers on four corners, one big river
Too much sound. Insanity wages war against mediocrity.
Much detachment tires the soul out.
This, i know
From experience.
To die in her arms, tonight
Is like getting a way out
From where there where there’s none
Is like a respite
When the many others
Are baying for your blood.
I remember, quite clearly
One steady step, two. And she was still looking at me
And by the seventh, she wasn’t,
And neither was i.
It’s as if someone with a broken spine
And shot through the overestimated heart twice
Is getting back on stride.
The whole concept of me,
Being there, then
Made me happy.
And this was way long back.
Emotion be damned, it was an hour of maddening eternity
And all i remember is
Looking into her eyes and thinking
That she’s trying to gauge mine
With hers.
Dunno whether she found any reason or resource
To believe that digging into this heart
Will be easy and comforting.
I was there, and i wanted her to believe.
I am here and i want to pass out, happy and indifferent.
As of now, all i recall are her eyes
Trying to peep into mine.
It was good. A few stars had died that night. We did not know.
Even the guards of heart didn’t.
Kill the sharks, kill the stars
Kill the haters of this heart
The tragedy of this hour,
as we all know,
is baseless
And the monsters keep on getting bigger
And the toxins more potent
Until they are all elements
Too fatal for love
And too damn nasty
I am drunk. And i do not care.
And neither does the world, but what does that have to do with anything?
I liked reading it but I don't really have anything to say. "Happy and indifferent",you see.
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