Another unabashed week passes by
Blank, dull, blatant
with long sweaty nights and drowsy days of staring at the
Thoughts seem to get jumbled up and make obnoxious patterns
these days
And whenever i try to arrange them in order they say “fuck
you!” and poof!
The streets here are crowded with hookers in cheap shiny
things and drunkards like me.
No rain yet. Sultry
nights without electricity remind me of my freedom within the four walls
Bells of doom toll. Lions roar in the heart’s garden and
cannon-shots fly in perfect harmony and accord. Inside, there’s a riot in
violet, and a strange submission to loss of hope.
It’s as if the balloon’s of life are bursting, one after the
As the kid holding the airgun smiles. He’s no angel. And
neither am i.
So, this is it. I’ve spotted three cockroaches in the room
and I’ve named them Slaughter Death and Decimation respectively, before
flattening them with blue slippers and flushing them down.
Pink walls point and laugh at me as i listen to the dark
heavy voices of love.
I would like to read a book of pure wisdom now. Pure wisdom,
like everything that is yet to be tainted by this numbing game of life and
death, doesn’t have colour, taste or odour.
I would like to see a woman, a real one, approaching me,
with red stockings pulled up to the outer rims of groin. She’ll tell me of a
taste of honey and whiskey, a taste of knife, tigerpaws, minstrels of sacred
death and pious fortitude.
I would like to stand tall and win the world now.
But none these happen. So i pour some more of the dark hot
stuff and shoot it down. No water, no
This, then, is the game of Tigers.
You can either play or get fucked in the bad way
And once you’re in, there’s no way out.
When you kill one tiger, fifteen more appears
And fifteen more for each you kill. And then some rain and
And then the game begins anew. And this goes on till you are
way too tired to fight and then you sit and you look at the Tigers, fangs
bared, ready to pounce on you and bite into your soft flesh, and you say. “go
ahead, fuckers. Eat me. It doesn’t matter anymore.”. And then it won’t matter
You had come to play because you were seduced by the big fat
whores of life. You followed them and then their shadows till you ended up
before the tigers.
So play for as long as you care. It won’t matter in the
Living and dying in the shadow of this combat zone makes me
yearn for placid midnoons.
Midnoons like those were good. I could read of ghosts
sleuths and gamblers then without worrying about much of anything else.
I always knew that i was trapped and i never cared much.
So drown in darkness, kid. You’re all alone now. The shadow gets
bigger through every passing hour of tumult.
Dear assholes and worshippers of survival,
Give me a woman who will love me for anything other than
money fame talent aplomb security tongue cock fingers wit nonchalance or guts,
And i’ll sell all my poems to you for half their worth.
This was not supposed to be
Things were supposed to fall in place
Assurances were supposed to have been exchanged
Or maybe this is just the first thought
On seeing them dance with quaint aliens, contraband and
In front of green and blue jukeboxes
As the music plays on loud and clear
And the carriers of the weapons that kill
Approach the shores.
But, was this really supposed to be like this?
The snipers are still there, i can feel them
Staring at me, without batting an eyelid even fucking once
motherfucking once.
I thought they would get bored and go away.
I was wrong and i hate to be wrong or be wronged.
I have drowned the last girl who wronged me within my whiskey-flavoured
darkness and i have flushed her down the shitpot of heart.
I have raged and raved all along, like a beast in heat,
caged inside this doom
And now i know, we go no further
We end. Here.
Nothing would have changed had i not written the last poem
or the ones before it.
I don’t write to change stuff. I write because had i not
written i would have bummed around weird cities and would have stared at blank
walls and would have drunk without writing. But because i write i get to bum
around weird cities and stare at blank walls and drink and write. That’s the
only difference it makes. I don’t write to puke out my heart or guts or soul. I
write because i like to. And the rest just happens. The masters of this art
bore me with their depth and skill. I care for neither.
It wouldn’t have mattered anyways.
This is where i am right and this is where i stay. Try and
push me if you dare to.
This happened when i was six or seven
They had caught a pickpocket and they were beating the shit
out of him. There was blood on the sidewalks.
Dad took me away from there saying that the world’s like
this and it’s not right
The next morning i was not concentrating on my maths and he
beat the shit out of me
And i told myself : “the world’s like this and this is not
I grew up in form and intellect and i found myself in a law
school studying about that Saint of Aquinas the Constitution and about the
Declaration of Rights of Man and the 1688 Bill and Madison’s Virginia
Declaration and those Ten Amendments and the UN Declaration and shitloads of
junk. And now i know that none of these actually matters. What matters is what
we feel at any given moment.
And the world might fucking fall apart any given
Sometimes it gets so lonely that you can feel the world
breaking into pieces.
And then this constant browbeating by solitude gets tiring
and recourse to bitter stoicism seems to be one of the better ideas.
There’s a beer shack right outside my window and there’re
people who have the fortune of not having to drink alone meet people who lack
the guts to drink alone.
And then there’s this nice food-joint and alluring aroma of
well cooked well greased and fattened meat filters in.
These sounds are not my sounds and these smells are not my
smells. So i shut the windows tight and i keep pounding the keyboard.
The moon in down tonight and the pixies are busy attending
their customary Carnival.
The music plays soft and serene and the arrows aimed at my
heart had their tips dipped in bitter honey and sweet poison.
And once the sun sets,
Pilgrims get busy making love and birds tend to their
fragile eggs.
I have much love and much hatred to give and all these eat
me up when i am lonely
And i am lonely all the time
So i drown them in whiskey and rum and beer
And i pretend cynical indifference of the guppies and
All gutted and starfucked, i drag my frame down the narrow
alleys of the cosmos in rain.
The idea of something big happening or not happening gets to
me and before long
i find myself at
counters, with discount coupons for everything, including my self.
Mighty wrath is
better than squalid and petrified compromises.
Somehow, i can’t fix my aim at it. Maybe i still have some
love left in me.
Or maybe i yearn for further success and so i keep pushing
I was born for these I don’t care. Or, do i?
Each time a webpage says return i feel motherly warmth all
It’s all about those tiny holes you’re not supposed to
succumb to or get sucked in
I’ve been into fights and i have felt the embrace of love
tightening at times
So much of entanglement scares the shit out of me.
So much of saintly pallor throughout this gunfight and the
eternal strife of arses that asinine madscrew enriches the stubborn sturdy
sense of being here. The fat around my belly folds up in ripples. Inside, the
guts scream of sweet vengeance against the whole damn world.
I was wronged and i will punish them before the Judges sit.
The Judges are cold, silent and frightening.
To Camus.
Your mom died
yesterday. Or maybe you fucked her yesterday. What do i care?
And rebels know when and how to say “no”
And will i say no when the most splendid of all bitches
spreads out her wonderland before me, legs spread, wanting to get fucked and
not asking for anything in return?
Haha, up my ass and up yours!
Love you, egghead.
You make me Sisyphus
You make me absurdly and splendidly happy.
You are one goddamned fucksy bright soul
And reading between you is like squeezing the muzzle (or is
it nuzzle?)
Of an empty bottle of liquid-soap after shitting and wiping
the great hairy ass of mine.
That’s good and honest, despite everything.
That bright red heart
With locomotive steam fuming
And begging askance and questioning the locus standi to
speak of this
From the dastardly third stem of double repetition
Of being and the rape on being
Perpetrated by the multitude
Creates this plurality of the senses of many
Which trump the senses of one and
this obese obsequious, curious of how thoughts stem out
despite the purging of senses. Your thoughts swell mind up
And this i say to the only one who ever dared patience with
in this crooked game.
Sounds choke out. Skies decay and smell of stale fuck
It’s like trying to screw the most splendid of all women
and throwing up all over her perfect body.
If she doesn’t mind,
Her pure bright love
Will get me moving
without having to try. Now that, my friends, is something.
Weeping love. Of love for love
Till you love love so much that there’s nothing left but a
dry stick in a basket
I’m having rum and kebab and thinking of vigorous love to
moon falls on moon
And stars hold threads of breath
And monsoon arrives in beguiled and bottled up cacophony
For brethren of tomorrow, righteous and always fucking,
Given the axiom of life that there’s nothing better to do.
So i charge against life
With batons and festoons and Molotov cocktails too
Along with those sweet brothers and sweet sisters
who talk of morality
and fuck the hell out of one another.
Inside paper bags we hide what we carry
For rising tall and strong is beyond our forbearance
As much as acknowledging where we stand is
Half the people i’ve talked to are afraid of insanity
And the rest half thinks of the noose or of sleeping pills
or of the blade
As if any of that will help.
Electrocuted, our cells move eternal
And our bells toll loud. Till balls and ovaries cave in.
Uproot the dawn. Uproot love. Uproot fingernails.
As if challenging us to forsake the might of the grasp will
help. Hah!
She’s in Kashmir. She’s in Texas. She’s in New Zealand and
she that mattered most will be in Pittsburgh soon.
And I shall be in Calcutta, the city of motherly hearts.
Does that matter amidst all this mayhem,’
The lot in life has worn off like Dahlia’s post spring.
I dig into sweet pastry
as i wipe the ash off her tits.
The asses had loved me, and i had fed them bananas
But as for the women i loved
They’re scattered
in a globalised and assholed world, scattered
and way too silent to paste flowers on postcards.
Move your fingers a bit and all shit will be soldiers beside
Folks with whom you can be free and you can cry
Spiders with their webs are ready
So, bite off your fingernails
Santa will reach out to you
At least once
So that all concepts and constructs can be ready
Knife in hand, smiling throo your defeats.
It’s an awful world
where people can’t see beyond their shades
one fine morning
i’ll be angrier than this
and i’ll burn it down
to bits.
I promise.
So cry not coz our battle we fight it out altogether
And invincible amidst this shatter we are.
So much grit that i’ll blow my entrails off my anus soon
Grit has got little to do with talent
And virgins bleed when fucked and they cry and they want
I thrash my keyboard and i want more when i drink
I observed ants, all of them
look similar.
this cave will suffocate me someday. I know.
I think of those thousand literature grads
Who’ll edit books and write papers and
correct the answer
and sit at nine to five desks
and will have to please and pacify their sups
to earn their bread.
It’s rather shitty.
Shakespeare was not born for this
And neither was Ezra Pound despite being a fascist
These people were born for things
Better than this. Goddamn’ reading of the Saussures and the
and the Mallarmes and the Eliots
out of compulsion would’ve got my nerves all screwed up
I’m lucky that i decided against studying literature
despite much temptation from inside and little from outside.
I think that
there’s nothing as much painful as having
to read and analyze literature
out of compulsion.
And then trying to make a living out of that.
Pretty poetry and
weeping women somehow make me forget all about the shit i’m wading through
It’s like getting a place where you can reveal all your emotions
and not feel m-barassed later.
Life calls for all these punching bags.
It’s boredom that changes us.
And we are bored all the time
So we keep changing all the time.
Sunday, 01 July 2012
Caesar’s month. It’s not raining yet.
Had dunked down a pint of the nice black stuff last night
Things are pretty hazy still and head’s throbbing to bits.
Hungry but too sloshed to reach out for this fatal carnage.
And i am here, lying down flat on my back
Naked, durable, eternal
And thinking of all the sad people of the world
They’ve all wronged themselves. And now it’s the mirror’s
turn to speak
And it speaks with such graceful intensity that before long
my eyes start watering and this heart of bitter fondness, of wastefulness and
chimera, of wholesome adequacy – turns purple.
Thankfully, it never gives up or gives in to this constant
demand for pacific sanity.
It needs food.
Fuck the world. It’s not a battlefield and even if it is
I’m not fighting.
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