Saturday, July 18, 2009

A Hyena in China

Once there lived a hyena
Beyond the Great Wall of China
It went to a dead lion’s den
And put on the dead lion’s mane
And became an utterly fake king
(I’m not talking ‘bout Deng Xiaoping)

Troubles began soon
Some of them sought the moon
But not the silver spoon
So the hyena ordered rocks from the Alps
And crushed the troublemakers to pulps
Everybody watched the show
And when they had to go
Said “Amen!”
(I’m in no mood to discuss Tiananmen)

A certain big brother outside was busy with oil
And was already perturbed by some other turmoil
Besides, being once bitten by an ally of the dead lion
He feared similar fate in the hands of the hyena’s scion
And so he decided to remain cool
While the hyena’s successors continued to rule
(Don’t think of America, you bloody fool !)

Upholding the banner of equality
They treat all with the same brutality
Except a few who are extremely clever
And wise enough to pay their taxes in silver
But the hyenas are never put to shame
It’s only the mane that gets a bad name
Think twice friends, whom shall we blame?
(If you think I’m defending all things Red
Tomorrow morning you’ll find yourself dead
Lying in the Yellow River’s yellow bed
You better get this notion straight in your head)


Samadrita said...

Nice work.Delivers a message,rhymes well and sounds free-flowing!

Quintessence Of Illusion said...

very nice.........keep up the good work