Friday, July 10, 2009

Another Child

Downhill and downhill, bitten
but not smitten
Lonesome knight, further, ahoy,
shorn and scorn
The cup is not full yet,
Far away, the fields are green
The sunflowers – like a merry dream
But for nothingness, nothing persists
For the sky the sea is blue
And the tired dreams too…

Singer, sing a song for me !
Jester, crack a happy joke,
For the matinee show
has been a sellout,
though everyone knows the story
of Rumpelstiltskin …

Twilights too shallow to whisper
Darkness too dead to die
There’s a brook down the valley
There’s an inn with bread and wine
There’s a cottage where a candle burns
There’s a girl to love and love…
Solitude not so dreary as once dreaded
The moon might shine, it might not…

Truth be told, I fear death
Cold blue light in an empty room
The parrot flutters in a golden cage
Someday, it won’t flutter anymore
The diamond shines with all its edges
Someday, it won’t shine anymore…

Downhill and downhill, further, ahoy,
The spear is blunt, the horse is thirsty,
The knight is weary, but the crusade’s over…


Samadrita said...

Sad but beautiful!

Quintessence Of Illusion said...

These lines by Neruda for this post

Pale blind diver, luckless slinger,
lost discoverer, in you everything sank!

It is the hour of departure, the hard cold hour
which the night fastens to all the timetables.

The rustling belt of the sea girdles the shore.
Cold stars heave up, black birds migrate.

Deserted like the wharves at dawn.
Only tremulous shadow twists in my hands.

Oh farther than everything. Oh farther than everything.

It is the hour of departure. Oh abandoned one!