I see purple people all around me
Big, beautiful people, with purple eyes
purple smiles, purple faces,
purple skins
Purple kids with purple balloons
Purple lovers with purple love
Purple ladies with purple grocery bags
Purple men with purple beads of sweat
Purple hookers in purple petticoats
It's as if the world's turning into a sweet happy place.
The world's turning into a purple place.
The sun sets.
I stare at flowers dangling down old verandahs of old mansions.
I stare at stoic cows, aloof, eyes closed -
chewing cud through cold centuries of twilight
Horses drown in honey
Soldiers drown in bleak waste
Wolves drown in dream of pure love
Birds of life return, nestbound, purple wings
purple beaks
And I am here
Ugly, indifferent
and nothing close to purple.
Show's over, kid
No point shouting "encore"
No point digging inside for gold
No point sweeping petals up the black avenue
Turn around and go home.
Home is a dusty place with green fangs.
And there's no one waiting for you there.