Saturday, August 4, 2018


Despite everything we rise
Despite everything, the stones remember,
the pictures record.
From deep Africa through grey Babylon
and beyond
From when we were all friends
to now, and beyond; Despite everything,
all has not been forgotten
all has not been lost

For when, you, traveler
of thirsty climes & dreams – ‘cast your cold eyes’,
it is but the Bull-King & the Lion-Queen
ever locked in love, for the rain must fall,
for the crops must grow; magic must happen –
For even when Banipal the Ashur weeps
by the chars of Nineveh, Caliban rages
for his face is not in the mirror, and kind Birsa –
he brings folks closer, tells them to turn their tears
into blazing torches – it is but the clocks turning

And the clocks turn still
through memories & other epitaphs
like humans long dead leave tales behind
for humans long to be born, to know, to learn;
such are stately, tall trees who, through
their trunks, deep inside their barks –

hold memories of eclipses that had come & passed by.  

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